Group Accreditations
Group Accreditations
Akela Group is introducing its Integrated Management System in 2019; bringing together our Occupational Health and Safety Management, Quality Management and Environmental Management systems. We will be seeking independent accreditation through a UKAS accredited auditor.
We are proud to hold the following accreditations and memberships and you can be sure that our group companies comply with the latest health and safety, quality and environmental legislation and industry best practice. This gives you comfort and peace of mind in choosing an Akela Group company against those that don't hold these accreditations.
Constructionline is the UK's largest register of contractors, consultants and material suppliers for the construction industry. As a verified member of Constructionline, your buyers will recognise that our company aligns to industry and government standards. Akela Construction has Level 2 Silver membership and DGM Surfacing has Level 3 Gold membership.
CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme)
Assessing suppliers health and safety competence is usually a lengthy and time consuming process. Suppliers can sometimes meet one buyer’s Health and Safety standards but not another. Being CHAS approved reduces duplication and your buyer's time in selecting a contractor, as suppliers compliance is accepted by all CHAS buyers. CHAS was a founding member of Safety Schemes In Procurement (SSIP).
SMAS (Safety Management Advisory Services)
SMAS is a member of Safety Schemes In Procurement (SSIP) and is a dedicated health & safety assessment company.
Scottish House Builders Health & Safety Forum
The Forum successfully brings together the Scottish house building industry and the HSE to create a pro-active organisation. It is changing the way we work in the industry today and for the future by exchanging information, sharing best practice and collectively driving towards higher standards.
Associate Member of Homes for Scotland
Akela is proud to be an Associate Member of Homes for Scotland 2020 and to play our part in providing homes for people in Scotland. Homes for Scotland is the voice of the home building industry in Scotland, representing some 200 companies and organisations which together deliver 95% of new homes built for sale each year and a significant proportion of affordable housing.